How do I want to be when I go back?


When you're on vacation, do you ever find yourself thinking, "how do I want to be when I go back to work?" It's a great question to ask from time-to-time. Six years ago, that question led to a couple of small, seemingly imperceptible, tweaks that helped make a huge difference.

I'm on vacation right now in the same place - déjà vu all over again? – but the question hasn't really presented itself so far. Maybe because I'm still just vacating?

What's my biggest challenge at work right now? It's one we all face: time or the lack of it. We don't know how much time we really have (probably less than we assume), and it's the one thing we can't create more of.

Anyway, I'm sitting on my little Lanai by the Sea, thinking random thoughts about jazz, poetry, art, beauty, doing nothing, and how all that connects to my roles as a manager and leader.

Wish me luck when the question finally demands an answer. Should be any day now!