It Took Apple Executive Angela Ahrendts One Sentence to Drop the Best Career Advice You'll Hear Today


Authentic people share their true thoughts and feelings with others. They know not everyone will agree with them, and they realize this is OK. They also realize that they aren't perfect, but they're willing to show those imperfections because they know everyone else has them, too. By showing their flaws, while accepting others for who they are, authentic individuals create trust.

Radical Candor

The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss


This article about managing people is a great read. Kim Malone Scott's key insight: radical candor.

The single most important thing a boss can do, Scott has learned, is focus on guidance: giving it, receiving it, and encouraging it. Guidance, which is fundamentally just praise and criticism , is usually called feedback, but feedback is screechy and makes us want to put our hands over our ears. Guidance is something most of us long for.

Scott's presentation (video) really brings her message home. The way she operationalizes caring personally versus challenging directly is profound!

I love her candor about her personal story. It helps us connect and understand what she's talking about. Great presentation!