If I’m Seeing People as People, Do I Always Have to Help Them?

Great question!

Reason 2: What’s the Real Need?

Sometimes, what people want is different from what they need. For example, the employee who is not meeting standards might want a raise, but what they need is, potentially, stronger accountability, training, encouragement, or even termination.

If we are operating with an outward mindset, we will not have a desire to do something “nice” that is not, in fact, helpful. Instead, truly caring about the person as a person, we will tell them the hard truths they need to hear. Then we will do what we can to help them improve.

Furthermore, we will respond to others’ needs in a manner which accepts the overall organizational mission and considers the others impacted by our decisions and work.

If we're seeing people as people, we will have the sense to help them. Sometimes we'll have the sense to do something nice for them. Other times we'll have the sense to provide critical feedback. Honor that sense. #thatisall